100% USA (Montana) grown and harvested Hemp Hearts.
A complete protein source that contains all 21 essential amino acids.
Excellent addition to any diet for its complete and exceptionally rich ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids.
Hemp Hearts are soft with a light nutty flavor and are an easy, healthy addition for essential fatty acids that include Omega 3 & 6, fiber and complete protein. Great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc.
Hemp Hearts aid in reducing risk of heart disease, help benefit skin disorders, aid in brain health, immune health, digestion, hormonal balancing, and much more! No THC and No CBD.
Great to add in every day foods such as yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies, cereal, salads, and even making hemp milk!